
How to Write and Publish Business Cases



地点:经管大楼A楼 四楼第二会议室报告厅 

主题:How to Write and Publish Business Cases(如何编写和发表商业案例)

主讲人:Sunghan RYU(上海交大-南加州大学文化创意产业学院)

介绍:Sunghan RYU美国南加州大学副教授,现工作于上海交大-南加州大学文化创意产业学院(USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry)。他是该数字创意公司研究中心的创始主任,并担任SAGE商业案例数字娱乐系列的系列编辑。他曾在英国华威大学和中国北京大学担任客座教授。

摘要:Business cases are a packaged snapshot of an actual management situation. It gives students an opportunity to 1) take the role of the decision maker in an organization, 2) think as if they were him/her, and 3) be analytical and creative. This talk will give a detailed step-by-step guideline on how to write business cases and teaching notes and how to use the cases in classes for promiting students’ learning and enhancing their experiences. It also provides practical tips on how to publish business cases in the designated outlets.
