Ö÷½²ÈË£ºLizhen Huang
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Ö÷½²È˽éÉÜ£ºProfessor Lizhen Huang is renowned for her leadership and contributions in Civil Engineering and Geomatics. Leading the Civil Engineering and Geomatics Group at the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering, she exemplifies dedication to the progression of the sector. In her multi-faceted role, Professor Huang serves on the IV faculty's innovation committee and is at the forefront of strategic research on the digital twin for sustainable built environment. Over the past decade, she's been credited with 40+ high-impact journal publications, and one notable piece has achieved over 510 citations since 2018 at Google Scholar. A passionate advocate for sustainability, she's initiated several projects, both at the EU and national levels, targeting a carbon-neutral future, with over €5 million funding to the department.